Functionalities - DuaPi Epi

Functionalities In DuaPi EPI you control the delivery of individual protection
equipment, simplifying the complete management of materials.

  • Cost vs. benefit comparison

    Cost vs. benefit comparison

    Compare products with the same purpose and find out which best meets your needs based on their efficiency and final cost.

  • Wallet<br> digital


    With the QR CODE system you can check if the employee has the PPE and training up to date, just using a cell phone.

  • Warning <br>Control


    With this functionality, it is possible to record warnings by employees who are using PPE in the wrong, improper or lack of use.

  • Consumables <br>Management


    Have effective control over product deliveries, know who has withdrawn, know the total consumption level and avoid waste.

  • Document <br>management


    Attach documents and manage validity, such as ASOs, Certificates and others.

  • Security and <br>reliability

    Security and

    The use of biometrics offers greater control and security to the employer, which guarantees the delivery of the right protective equipment to the right worker.

  • Optimize your equipment expenses

    Optimize your equipment expenses

    Control PPE costs through comprehensive reports that deliver detailed information about product durability, usage time, industry spending and more!

  • Gain efficiency in PPE management

    Gain efficiency in PPE management

    Complete PPE management tool that makes it possible to register, consult and follow up on material deliveries and brings together incredible features to gain performance.

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